International & Domestic Programs

two students with Cecil in front of Pomona sign

Lyla Stettenheim '23 and Maria Duran Gonzalez '24 - Quito, Ecuador

Two students with Cecil in front of mountains

Daniel Harrell '24 and Dave Ruiz '24 - Nyungwe Rainforest, Rwanda

Students at Christmas market in Germany

Nicole Lechner '24 - Freiburg, Germany

Two students in Hanbok

Wiljeen Paul '23 and Meriel Chang '23 - Seoul, South Korea

Jeremy Snyder

Jeremy Snyder ' 19 - Tongariro National Park, New Zealand

Pomona College offers 67 programs in 37+ countries for its own students. 皇冠体育学院大约有一半的学生在毕业前参加校外学习项目. To ensure equal access, 学院对在校外学习一学期或一年的费用与在校学习一学期或一年的费用相同,并提供经济援助津贴,以覆盖在校外学习的时间.

为了开始这个过程,学生应该参加国际和国内项目 info session. Then, 学生将能够与国际和国内项目办公室(IDPO)顾问进行咨询预约,讨论项目选择. IDPO维护一个项目信息资源库,并保留每个项目前参与者的反馈表格. 你可以在办公室停下来,浏览一些一般的旅游文献和其他资源,这些可能对你准备离开校园的时间很有用.

Note: 皇冠体育学院可能有义务在不事先通知的情况下改变或取消所描述的课程. Dates, courses, and costs, both for on-campus services and for programs off-campus, may change without prior notification.

Guiding Philosophy and Principles for International and Domestic Programs


Guiding Philosophy

皇冠体育学院长期以来一直信奉这样一种理念:通过国际学习培养文化意识是文科教育的一部分. 1971年,教师通过了以下决议(由国际和国内项目委员会于2021年更新):

The College believes that the opportunity to study off-campus in the U.S. 或出国留学可以使每个学生的学术课程受益,并丰富学院社区的生活. Through international and domestic programs, the College seeks to maximize the benefits of living temporarily in a different culture and environment; to extend the curriculum of the College beyond the Claremont campus; to generate both intellectual and personal sensitivity to the variations of life, culture, and scholarship in the world; and thus to prepare students to collaboratively address complex challenges.

Guiding Principles

In support of the College’s institutional learning goals,我们的学术部门和项目的具体学习目标,以及 Strategic Vision, 国际和国内项目委员会概述了以下原则来指导国际和国内项目办公室的工作. These principles draw on the past findings of various committees, working groups, 以及审查和设想皇冠体育学院国际项目的工作组. 这些原则强调了我们希望以学院国际和国内项目的发展和支持为中心的价值观.

Mission and Values

Curriculum and Learning

在校外学习增强了皇冠体育的文科课程,并为当地和全球问题提供了新的有利位置. 在文科教育中融入区域和全球视角对于培养学生应对全球化世界中的复杂挑战至关重要.

  • By extending student learning beyond our campus, we will foster education in and about different languages, cultures, histories, identities, systems, and societies.
  • Such education will facilitate knowledge construction, self-awareness and reflection, understanding and empathy, historical perspective, critical thinking, and cultural and linguistic appreciation.

Access and Inclusion

国际和国内课程使学生在学术和专业工作中有更好的观点和对自己更深入的了解, others, and local and global issues. It is essential to our work to ensure that all students, 包括那些在校外学习项目中一直被低估的人, have access and support to flourish in off-campus study programs.

  • 我们致力于减少或消除参加国际和国内项目的障碍,使尽可能多的学生有机会参加, regardless of class, ethnicity, gender, race, religion, sexuality, national identity, ability, or financial circumstances.
  • In establishing and maintaining program partnerships, 我们优先考虑支持学院课程和课外课程多样性的合作伙伴关系,以确保所有专业的学生都能参与其中.
  • 我们将与项目伙伴合作,创造健康的环境,使个人感到受欢迎, respected, valued, supported, and fully able to achieve and contribute.

Culture and Community


  • Programs should provide a solid and safe home base, embedded in local communities, institutions, or environments, from which students build their learning and explore.
  • 项目应该通过与当地社区和问题的体验式学习机会来加深学生的参与度, such as community-based learning, internships, research, and volunteering.
  • 项目应该促进积极的反思和建立自我意识的机会, empathy, and intercultural agility.

Language Acquisition

语言学习是学习和融入其他文化的关键部分. By making efforts to learn the local language, students demonstrate respect for the local people and culture, 加深对接待社区的了解及与接待社区的关系, and exercise humility and curiosity in entering a new environment.

  • 在可能的情况下,通过之前的经验或克莱蒙特学院的课程, 学生应该通过提高对东道国语言的熟练程度来为国际项目做准备.
  • Where applicable, 国际项目将优先考虑学生通过学术课程提高对东道国语言的熟练程度, experiential learning opportunities, and engagement with the local community.

Social and Civic Responsibility


  • 规划将促进人们对负责任地参与影响个人的地方和全球问题的认识和思考, communities, societies, and the planet.
  • Through these experiences, students will consider more deeply their past, present, and future roles in these spaces and processes.
  • 项目应该寻求学生和当地社区的互惠利益.